New Christmas Tree Ornament style – Stars

 In Segmented Turnings, Turning

Our woodworking mentor, Don Russell came up with a new design for the segmented Christmas Tree ornaments we turn.  The new star design requires an unprecedented level of precision!  The overall design is a center ring of “stars” with a segmented set of cones placed on top.  The ornaments include over 276 individual pieces glued together!  The ornaments are still being glued together, and need two caps, and the icicle and the hanger top installed.  I will post some additional images as we get closer to completion.  I will also include this type of ornament in the projects section as I complete the process.

Star ring ornament:

star rings being glued together


star ring ornament pieces


top and bottom cones ready for glue up


top cones being glued to the star ring.

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